Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Basic play basketball

Basketball is a sport played by two teams who each put the ball into the opponent kerangjang by hand. The basketball game was first introduced in the United States in 1891 In 1892 by prof. Naismith.
For the first time basketball coach must introduce a term in the game of basketball, including:

Dribble: bring the ball by bouncing to the ground.

Shot: shoot to the ring by throwing the ball. For good results, the direction of the ball should mementuk parabolic curve

Shot Clock: Time strike before the ball touches the ring. NBA: 24 seconds, 30 seconds FIBA

Rebound: take the ball bounce the shot that did not go

Block Shot: do block a shot against opponent

Steal: steal the ball from the opponent while dribbling

Intercept: stealing the ball from the opponent by cutting the opponent's passing

Passing: pass the ball to a teammate

Assist: give feedback to a teammate resulting in points

Foul: violation

Team Foul: the number of offenses in one team per round her. Will automatically be given to the opponent's free throw when it reaches 5

Foul Out: red card in the game of basketball, awarded after a player commits a foul 5 times

Free Throw: free shots due to violations committed by opposing players. Free throw is given if it is violated in a position to do the shot or have a team foul

Three Seconds Violation: Violations are given if a player is in the area of ​​free shots (key area) for 3 seconds

Ball Back / Back Court: Violation because the player who brought the ball back into the area after a pass through the middle of the line

Back Door: Strategies to attack the body by turning in the opposite direction to avoid the opponent's guard.

Pick and Roll: Strategies attack 2 by 1 person doing the block, blocking the movement of his opponent who keep carrying the ball, so it can run freely. After that person was spinning (roll) Man to man markingStrategi last 1 to 1

Zone Defense: Defense systems area, there are models 2-1-2, 1-2-2, 1-3-1, 2-3, 3 2Full press defense, Defense 1 against 1, starting from the opponent's defense line

Travelling / walking: Violation because the ball is not on the dribble, over 2 steps

Double: Violation because after stopping mend dribble, dribble again perform

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